Monday, September 18, 2006

Alrighty...I've been ordered by my friend to keep my blog updated while I'm gone. I'm going to Los Angeles for three months to help deal with my various health problems and get better treatment than I have been here in Atlanta.

I'm leaving in 12 days. Leavong behind my apartment, my cats, my friends, and my fiance. It royally sucks. I'm gonna miss folks. I hate being left out of the loop and I'm pretty much gonna be 2000 miles away from the loop entirely. My fiance should be gettting a gate pass at the airport. I know I'm gonna cry a lot.

Today is my one year anniversary with the love of my life...and we're pretty much too poor right now to do much about it. But we'll find a way to celebrate it fully I'm sure. We always seem to manage somehow. ^_^

I'm in weird space right now. I'm trying to enjoy every moment before I leave, but there's this date looming in the back of my mind.

I'm hoping this coming week end works out. Its suppposed to be a camping event with my LARP group, but things aren't going so hot. A lot of people aren't responding and...well, it may have to be shortened or canceled. I really am going be ticked off and upset if that happens. It happened the last time we were scheduled for a camping event too.

We'll see what happens.


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